Who we are ?


Founded on the 13 August 1987, the Maison de l’Europe is an independent not-for-profit organisation offering services and activities centred on Europe and the European Union. Participation, information and exposure are at the heart of our mission and we aim to facilitate European activities which are accessible to all.

Our membership includes individuals, municipalities, educational institutions, NGOs, and companies which share an interest in Europe. In 2007, we joined the Europe Direct network and stock a wide variety of documents and resources on the EU in our office.

In May 2012, the Maison de l’Europe received the “Jeunesse et Education populaire” accreditation from the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research. This enables us to offer placements to young people as part of the European Voluntary Service programme.

In 2014, the Maison de l’Europe was recognised of general interest to society.

The organization received the hosting, sending and coordinating accreditation for European volunteering service in the frame of European volunteering corps program until December 2027.

Our team

  • Chairperson : Pierre-Yves MonjalChristine Bousquet-Labouérie
  • Vice-chairperson : Pierre-Yves Monjal
  • Secretary : Liliane Bariteaud
  • Vice-secretary : Suzel Vandmeen
  • Treasurer : Magnolia Bard

Assignment manager : Astrid Courty

European volunteers : Jonas Degn

Service civique volunteers : Mathis Thevenin and Joséphine Anton

Join the Maison de l’Europe

In recent years, we have diversified our services and events to include European cafés, film screenings, exhibitions and European festivals. This has ensured that we are ever-present in the community, increasing awareness and understanding of the European Union.

To ensure that this continues, we need your support!

To join, the Maison de l’Europe, please send a cheque to:

La Maison de l’Europe de Tours

97 bis Boulevard Jean Royer

37000 Tours

Membership fees

  • Student / unemployed : 10 €
  • Individual membership : 20 €
  • Group membership (NGOs, educational institutions, business etc) : 30 €

You can also join as a benefactor.

A big thank you from all the team at the Maison de l’Europe.

Download the membership form here